Greetings, this is Mainak 👋.

And this is one of (hopefully) many posts that I am planning about my insights on various domains ranging from DSA, API Design, Tech, etc.

So let’s talk about what can be expected from some of my future posts.

Do I Know Databases?

Well not really I don’t 🙃. I know that data is stored in a file, but aside from that everything is mostly a blackbox.

So the first step is to find out, what a database does, what makes it different from a file IO. Well you may argue that it allows us to perform queries and parse the data faster than normal, but let me remind you that is a feature of the DBMS, not the database itself.

From my base understanding of a database is that it is a structured data-store, but so is a JSON or a YAML file. And this is not wrong, JSON and YAML files do allow for easy retrieval and querying of data and hence are considered databases. But can we create our own structured parser and syntax?

Well that is something that I will have to see while writing the article 😅.

Signing Out

Well that’s about it for this introductory post. Signing out for this week.

Further Reading
